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As an established family business, we are fortunate enough to have access to our own funds which we invest in our projects.  Therefore, most of our projects are partially funded by us, with the remainder being funded by bank finance or/and retail investors. This gives our retail investors a fantastic opportunity to get involved in property development without the need for day-to-day responsibilities.

Our own experience of investing

We are SSAS (Small Self-Administered Scheme) trustees and invest in other people’s deals.  Therefore, we have seen the deals, done the due-diligence and asked the probing questions as investors.

We, however, fully appreciate that all investors are different.

For some investors, security is more valuable than the rate of return.  For others, the ability to learn whilst they invest their money is really important.  Some investors want to get involved in the deals whilst others want to remain passive.  Therefore, we take our time to understand our investors, their GOALS, their RISK-APPETITE as well as their previous EXPERIENCE. As investors ourselves we have seen the dark and ugly side of investing, therefore if you are considering investing with us or others, please get in touch and we will be pleased to share our experience as investors and also talk more about how we work with investors.


Frequently asked questions

Who can invest?

To protect investors, they must be eligible under the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) definition of a ‘sophisticated investor’ or a ‘high net worth individual’ and will be required to self-certify this before we can discuss specific schemes or rates of return.  However, we always welcome to have a high-level chat with anyone who is interested in investing with us.  In fact, we insist on having several conversations and getting to know each other before we discuss specific projects to invest in.

What returns do we offer?

There is no set figure because returns can vary across projects depending upon investment level, the underlying risk profile of the deal and project duration.

How long will my money be invested?

A typical project lasts 12-18 months, however, we may have investment opportunities for a shorter or longer period than this.

How can I find out more?

Please GET IN TOUCH and we’ll be happy to give you a call and talk through what options are available.

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