“You can’t afford to live in potential for the rest of your life,
at some point, you have to unleash the potential and make your move"
Eric Thomas
What do we offer?
Having a pipeline of land and properties to develop is key to deliver our mission to create beautiful homes. We are also passionate about working with other property and landowners who own underdeveloped assets but may not have the expertise or resources to realise the full potential of the assets. That's why we work with a number of land and property owners to understand how we can create value for the owner should they wish to develop their site.
If you own some land or a building and want to find out if it can be developed, please get in touch to "KNOW MORE"

“Business is all about relationships…
how well you build them determines how well you build your business”
Brad Sugars
rECEIVED a letter from us?
We use our expertise to identify potential development opportunities in our area. If you have received a letter from us, we would have provided details of the property/land we believe you own which may have development potential. We hope that browsing through our website has provided you with some additional information about our business. We very much hope that you contact us to explore potential development scope for your site and together we can create a legacy.

If you own land or a property which you believe may have development potential, please get in touch to discuss. We will give you an honest appraisal of the site.
How do we work with land/property owners?
If we have already identified your site as a potential development opportunity or you got in touch with us, the 1st thing we like to do is to meet you to understand what LEGACY you want to leave, what LIFESTYLE you want to lead and what IMPACT you want to have. We want to understand you, your aspirations, and also ascertain if we can work together - you have no obligations to proceed!

Following this meeting, if we decided to proceed, there are three different ways to move forward:
We have experience in purchasing sites direct from landowners with a clean, condition-free sale. This method provides certainty of the sale, the purchase price, and timing and can usually be completed within 12 weeks of the agreement being made
Subject to planning
In this case, we work with land and property owners to gain planning permission to increase the value of the asset before the sale.
These agreements can take various forms from subject to planning deals, option agreement, owner-applications, or partnered-planning with the developer.
Joint Ventures
This type of agreement sees the land, site, property owner joint-venture with the developer to maximize the potential gains from the site. It is usual for the landowner to receive the full purchase price for the land and a share of the developer's profits upon the final sale of the development.
What are we looking for?
We are particularly interested in properties/land in South West London and Surrey areas which meet the following requirements:
A property that requires full refurbishment.
A commercial property where value can be enhanced through developing it further, either by converting the uppers into residential or by building residential in the back.
Industrial units within a residential estate.
Large detached bungalows which are surrounded by two stories or more houses.
Unused/underdeveloped land within the residential areas.
Garages, storage, and warehouses which can be developed into residential.
Our experience tells us that almost every site is different therefore we like to sit down and understand the situation before making offers or commitments. If you have some land or a potential development site or are just after some general advice, please do get in touch and we can arrange a time to discuss, no obligation of course.